Here's some of my recent projects
The last task managing app you will ever need. Task Assist lets users manage personal, work, and even private tasks. Users can add, delete, update and view their tasks. They can also categorize tasks and set priority levels for them, as well as set an optional due date. Users can also see their private tasks in a different page, adding one more small layer of security on top of logging in using their google account.
Tech used: HTML, CSS, React, Typescript, Firebase, Express, MongoDB, Node.js
My contributions:
A tipping application based off of the user's experience with the service provided. We think more easily in terms of our human experience than we do in terms of pure mathematics, so this app is more intuitive in that sense. A little message follows the tip calculation to make the user's app experience more like they're asking a friend how much to tip instead of using a calculator.
Tech used: HTML, CSS, Javascript
The user can get the latest updates from Reddit's r/Aww forum by fetching an API and displaying real-time posts. If the user wishes, they can click a link to a post and read further comments on the post clicked via
Tech used: HTML, CSS, Javascript, APIs
Tap or click to send an email or DM
Brandon Devere Ide
Software Engineer / Web Developer